Canada toughens its Immigrant Investor Program: will a counterintuitive strategy succeed?
By Stephen Fogarty • July 14, 2010
Using counterintuitive thinking Sometimes in life better results can be achieved by using counterintuitive thinking. For example, when playing violin, by accident I may bow on a second string in addition to the string intended. So instead of playing F# on the D string, my bow ends up touching (and playing) the G string at the same time, resulting in the wrong note. To improve my accuracy, Elizabeth Adams, my violin teacher at the McGill Conservatory, suggested I begin my practice sessions playing double stops—two strings at the same time—controlling my bow to ensure I avoid playing only one string while doing so. Then, she said, practice the pieces I am working on and it will be easier to hit the (single) notes I am supposed to be playing. I have been following this recommendation for about two weeks now and my bow strokes are definitely becoming more accurate. Who would have thought that you should practice what you are supposed to be avoiding (playing two strings at once) to get better at playing one string? Counterintuitive thinking seems to be behind new, important changes to Canada’s federal Immigrant Investor Program. Read More