Immigration, Citizenship, and Culture Blog

Thoughts for Earth Day 2010: Less hypocrisy, more action
By Stephen Fogarty April 21, 2010

Earth Day provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the state of the environment and the future of our planet. No matter which side of the “global warming” or, to use the new term, “climate change” debate you might find yourself, we should all do our part in minimizing misuse of the environment. From a business point of view, it makes no sense to be wasteful. Addressing the environmental impact of how we conduct business is also being a good neighbour. Most of us would not throw our garbage on our neighbour’s doorstep. Similarly, all of us must recognize that actions taken in one part of our planet can have effects across the globe. The recent eruptions of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland, whose volcanic ash has fallen from the skies over Europe and beyond, has had significant effects on international travel and world trade. These eruptions also illustrate that the Earth is really one organic whole. This Earth Day 2010 coincides with the Millennium Summit in Montreal. Notable guest speakers include Al Gore, a former U.S. Vice-President. No doubt Mr Gore and other speakers will spread the gospel of climate change and urge all participants to action. Everyone will leave the conference feeling buoyed by the atmosphere. (Sorry for the pun.) Read More

How to have an effective first meeting with a lawyer – Part 2 of a series
By Stephen Fogarty April 19, 2010

This is part 2 in a series of articles to help you deal effectively with lawyers. These comments are based on my 23 years’ experience as an attorney meeting with clients from every part of the globe. Our previous Blog article was called How to prepare for your first meeting with a lawyer. We strongly recommend that you read that Blog post first. Now that you have arrived at the law firm, what can you expect? Well, you are probably seated in the reception area, sipping a coffee or a glass of water. The lawyer comes to greet you. Let’s start the meeting! Read More

How to prepare for your first meeting with a lawyer
By Stephen Fogarty March 30, 2010

This is part 1 in a series of articles to help you deal effectively with lawyers.  These articles will help you understand, from a lawyer’s point of view, how best to prepare for your first meeting, what to discuss at your first meeting, and how to work effectively with your lawyer for the rest of your own file and beyond.  Our goal is to help you be more at ease and best able to concentrate on the main points in your file. In my career as a lawyer which spans more than 23 years, I have met with thousands of clients.  I am pleased to share my insider’s knowledge with you so can make effective use of professional legal services. So let’s get going. Whether you like it or not, eventually you will probably need the services of a lawyer. Read More

Are lawyers really necessary?
By Stephen Fogarty March 10, 2010

"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." These famous words from the English poet Shakespeare are often quoted by journalists and other social commentators to reflect perceived disdain for the legal profession. For example, such a commentator might cite that quote during his speech, glance at the audience with an air of sophistication, and pause for what he expects will be laughter and applause.  From his smug manner when delivering this “joke”, the speaker might give the impression he believes he is first one to have discovered Shakespeare’s writings. No group of lawyers is criticized more vigorously by such commentators than criminal defence attorneys. Read More

Here we go!
By Stephen Fogarty March 5, 2010

Welcome to the official Blog of the Fogarty Law Firm.  We are located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. You can depend on us to discuss major concerns in the fields of Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Law.  We will be publishing articles taking into account the viewpoint of our clients.  We will keep you informed about key developments, including changes to the laws, policies, procedures and government fees.  We will also comment on important Court decisions, since these can affect legal rules and how they are applied as much as changes made by the lawmakers.  We trust that you will find these legal articles interesting. But we decided that it was time to offer more than what you might expect from a typical blog run by lawyers.  We want to do something unique on the Internet.  This is why we have called ours the “Immigration, Citizenship, and Culture Blog”. Read More

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